Thursday 25 February 2016 at 11:18 am
Any Interest in Following Jesus?
We welcome you as one interested in following Jesus and becoming a part of his body, the church. It is still incredible to every one of us that as sinners God desires a personal relationship with us, but that is why we call it Good News. We have found in Jesus forgiveness of our wrongdoings and the ability to live each day through his love and grace. This gift is available to you as well if you make a decision for him today.
We find in the Bible in the Gospel of John, Chapter 3 and verse 16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him might have eternal life.” It's clear that God’s love for us is so great that He gave himself to us and for us in Jesus, God’s son, that every barrier between us and God might be removed and that we might live in the power of God’s Spirit with love, joy, peace and hope.
Jesus also invites you to be a part of his community of believers, and as a disciple share with the world God’s love and grow in that love yourself. Jesus’ invitation includes sharing the Good News in word and deed as we live with compassion and work for justice in this world.
We encourage you to learn more about him in the Holy Bible. The Gospel of John is a great place to start. We encourage you to call any of our numbers on the HELP LINE or any other Christian church and tell them of your interest and of your questions. They will help you learn more about Jesus and his promise, “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10.
May God’s blessings be upon you in your journey of faith. Amen
Sunday 01 November 2015 at 11:30 am
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy month; but thou salt meditate therein day night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” (Joshua 1:8)
The law had already been written by Moses, and from which he and the people were to take all those precepts by which their lives were to be governed. Though there was a copy laid up in the sanctuary, yet this was not sufficient. Joshua wanted a copy for himself, which he would consult frequently, that his way might be made prosperous, and that he might have good success. He believed that if he kept God’s word, God would keep him body and soul; that in itself is the Truth. Those who are obedient to God lack no manner of thing that is good.
Sunday 01 November 2015 at 10:19 am
Destiny is what happens or what will happen that is beyond the control of man. Every man on the face of the earth has a destiny and is destined to be something on planet earth. God, the creator of the universe destines what a man will become, even before he is sent to earth. You must know that there is a blue print for the life you are expected to spend on earth. Your mission on earth has already been structured out. It’s your relationship with God that will determine a fulfillment of that blue print. Read this “Before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee; and i ordain thee a prophet unto the nations" Jer 1:5 (kjv) .A critical examination of the aforementioned scripture, you will realize that God who has a foreknowledge of us, and has predestined us and such, we are programmed to be what we are today. Thus, our daily steps must work together in fulfillment of that better purpose.
Sunday 01 November 2015 at 10:14 am
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is and will always be our source and power for Christian living. With a high sense of responsibility and joy in my spirit, I hereby announce the birth of DESTINY FAMILY ASSEMBLY INC., a church with a vision, for the purposeless and less privileged in our society and the greater world at large.
DESTINY ASSEMBLY has a vision to give direction to the directionless, purpose to the purposeless and empowerment to the down – trodden through the propagation of God’s word.
In a revelation, the Lord spoke to me, and said he is giving me a mandate to reach out, to the people of all nations empowering them with the word and greater power in Christ to enable them fulfill their purpose on earth. The Lord says: that, this mission can only be accomplished by destroying the satanic powers, controlling the affairs of men. It is only with the Power and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that Human Kind can achieve their goals and purpose in life.